Luca? Or would you rather vaccinate?
Seriously, shortly before the third wave but also the end of the pandemic - yes, for some it is already unimaginable, but as soon as we are vaccinated in Germany, Europe and globally, COVID-19 is off the table - Smudo comes around the corner and wants to sell another app for contact tracing: Luca.
As a reminder: the Corona-Warn-App is currently only running on about 18 million smartphones and has only been installed by about 22 million Germans, while the others didn't and don't care at all that the health authorities aren't getting their job done.
And the worst part of the story: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has already licensed Luca. More precisely, of course: the taxpayer, that is, all of us. Congratulations! So instead of concentrating on ensuring that vaccinations are diligently carried out - especially by GPs - another bit of wasted money.
Unfortunately, there was also International Women's Day this week. It still hasn't become superfluous - quite the opposite, in fact: Corona and remote work have ensured that traditional role models are back en vogue. In 2020, women worked less (economically!) and did more housework and homeschooling on top of that.
But there is also really good news: AR and VR conferences are coming! Oculus has already come forward with the Infinite Office and Mark Zuckerberg wants much more with his subsidiary: the feeling of "teleporting" by 2030 at the latest. And Microsoft also wants to 3D-ise the 2D Teams Conference with Microsoft Mesh and move it to the!
The is all about technology, media, politics. The weekly email report delivers the absolute essentials from the last episodes of the eicker.TV (German) livestream and is a purely private commentary by Gerrit Eicker on the most important tech news of the week.