
The iCare.report is all about technology, media, politics. The weekly email report delivers the absolute essentials from the last episodes of the eicker.TV (German) livestream and is a purely private commentary by Gerrit Eicker on the most important tech news of the week.


The iCare.report is available as an email newsletter directly in your mailbox - and the entire archive online at Substack via - exactly: iCare.report or FreshOffThe.Net

Contact Gerrit Eicker

  • Signal or mobil: +49-179-2107425

  • eMail: iCare@Substack.com

  • Juedefelderstr. 1, 48143 Muenster

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Technology, Media, Politics. FreshOffThe.Net Weekly private commentary by Gerrit Eicker + report of the core essentials from eicker.TV:


eicker.BE/ratung Wir sprechen Online. Kommunikation, Konversation, Konversion. 📲 eicker.TV Frisch aus dem Netz. Technologie, Medien, Politik. #Technews 📲 eicker.news [Mastodon] 📲 eicker.net